If a teacher just using one of the, I think that’s can make the students boring or feel lazy because nothing activities that make them interest. I remember my teacher when “A” I called my teacher as “A” taught us just using direct instructions. In the class have 40 students and my teacher have to make all of the student understanding about the lesson of mathematics. I think that’s very difficult because in the class many student that have to do by A to give attention to all of their students. Many of the student was spiking, and laughing in the class, so it’s make disturb the other students. In this case, I think direct instruction not appropriate to use in the class that have 40 student.
The other side, I have a teacher that smart to make the student interest in his lesson. She does not only using direct interaction. Some times using guide discovery, group discussion, or jigsaw. I think that’s good for us because give us responsibility to our group, we can give our argumentation or idea in the group discussion. Not only that but also can give us a chance to learn and find a new something in the guide discovery model, we can share information and the teacher can observe our group work and then give explanation if we can understand.
That’s my story about models of instruction in my school, what do you think about that? How about you?
Mul, on your reflection there is an incomplete sentence (paragraph 2 line 1) :)
ReplyDeleteBy the way, when Junior High School, I got same teacher like you. He used various models of instruction. It was interesting, so made I enjoy for each her lesson :)
We can become like them Mul, even more :D
good reflection mul, i hope we become the second one, not like "A". haha.