
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Should teachers use MI and BT learning? Are those effective learning stages?

By: Group 6 of PETA Class
(Annas Bentari)
(Arsyiyatul Alawiyah)
(Dian Ayu Utami)
(Dian Sulistiani)

Differentiated learning can be a model of creative and effective learning in the classroom. However, what is the characteristic of differentiated learning in real? Is that like a fun and out of content learning? No, that is not at all. Currently, differentiated learning is learning with a differenced stage of students’ understanding. Differentiated learning is also how teachers give an instruction to the students to deliver a concept of lesson. Differentiated learning also can be named as strategy of learning. Teachers should know the students’ characteristics during the lesson so that teachers are able to determine the best strategy of learning and the learning process is delivered well.
Then, there are two learning styles to achieve that differentiated learning, Multiple-Intelligence (MI) and Bloom Taxonomy. Multiple Intelligence as a learning style means that the learning should cover eight intelligences of students. Teachers should have a collaborated ways of learning to teach heterogeneous students in a classroom based on those eight multiple intelligences. Moreover, teachers should know what the best model of instruction is. An example case is when a teacher tells students to read material reading of history lesson. The teacher should think more to auditory and visually students. Which one is the best, multiple intelligence learning or bloom taxonomy? That’s why teachers should be capable in understanding and read the students’ weakness or strength in learning to choose the best one.
Why do we say that teacher should be capable to choose the best strategy of those MI and BT? We may see that there are some weaknesses in implementing MI or BT in learning. One of both (MI and BT) will distract the students’ characteristic learning. Students with a particular learning will be distracted in a group learning activity. Also, they may feel a bit confused with stages learning (if we use BT). However we also should look into standard of competence that should be achieved by students. So, basically using bloom taxonomy or multiple intelligences in learning is very important. Even, students will get hard adaptation with the stages learning of MI or BT, but they will not only remember and apply what they learn in text book. They should be able in analyzing, evaluating and absolutely creating.
Here, teacher’s task is finding out the best strategy in learning process. Sometimes it will be useless when the teacher could not coordinate the strategy of MI and BT well. That’s why as the candidate of passionate teacher, we should think of our strategy to use MI and BT in our teaching by matching it through a right model of instruction.


  1. Great Reflection :D

    I really agree with the statement "The teacher should think more to auditory and visually students", actually my point is "The teacher should think to cover all students," not only use the same method that good for one style.

    Actually, I experienced it. In my opinion, there is one course (not PETA course) that the lecturer only use the same method, also the assignments that suitable for auditory learners, it makes me hard to enjoy the course as visual learner.

    After sharing with one of SSE lecturer, she said "Not all teacher prefers to teach like we want, so to overcome it the students (in this case is me) should very creative in learning." A bit unfair for me, but she is right. Teaching and learning is not 100% as our task (as a teacher), but the students too, so both teacher and students have to sinergy to make an effective teaching. We provide the method, and they have to provide their creativity. :D

  2. I think it implement in SSE.
    There is a prove in humanistic project for mid test last week.
    Our lecturer given us freedom to meke mid test project. Depend on our interest and our ability.
    Some of students make song, poster, essay and etc.'s great right?

  3. I like this issue,
    I agree with this group, as the next generation of teacher we have to mix both of MI and BT
    Firstly, I think MI more easy than BT, but I false, BT and MI can't be compare, both of them are important and have a big role in educational world.
    we have to push our self to use BT when teaching students. Let students explore their knowledge.

  4. Great issue :)
    I agree with your statement that as a teacher we have to know about the characteristics of our students. However is it easy especially in the big class? I think that is not easy in big class to know their characteristics. So it is the big task for us as an educator. right?

  5. ^^ there are some word multiple intelligence it should be multiple intelligences, just for remembering ^^. I like your issue, the important thing in teaching learning process is not the teacher but the students so, teacher must be able to choose the most appropriate whether the method or the assessment. Sometimes many teacher only think about how the way they can deliver the material as interest as possible but forget about how all of students can understand about the lesson. and also many teacher treat students with same way but, in fact every single student is different and need different approach. Nice issue

  6. heiiii
    I like your issue...
    Sure we have learned about MI and BT
    you have know how to deliver and make a good activity to our students later. Beside that we must have experiences to application our knowledge so we can get the best for our teaching

  7. Nice Issue..
    I agree with differentiated learning in reality, its not only about a fun and out of content learning, but teacher should be understand the stage of students understanding. so that, we must continue to implement practice BT and MT in our learning process later, Thanks.

  8. as a teacher, it must be good in understanding the circumstances and situation of the classroom so that when using the method can be according to the needs of students....

    note: I'm Marya, sorry I used the PETA's blog because my blog is having problems ...

  9. ^_^ i like this issue, because same my opinion about MI and bloom taxonomy. it is great ^_^.but i have many question, how we can understand characteristics of students more easy? and how we teach students with different intelligences in the same time?

  10. Thank you Annas and friend :) It's great. Your issue so cleraly with easy word to mean so I get the point.

    But, I am sorry may be your issue need more explicitness. Before I read your issue I just got the meaning of using MI and BT. I have some "prolems or issue" as materials for discuss. For examples "May MI and BT use in a learning process for same time?
    and then you were said "Basically using bloom taxonomy or multiple intelligences in learning is very important", so if its important so where we can find these important.
    oke just it, and I am sorry when my suggestion not decorous :)

  11. i do agree with all of friends,
    this issue really great.
    to Siluth,
    actually we can use many activities to teach students which have different intelligences lie we had develop last week.
    But i also thinking about classroom management.
    teachers will be so busy if they implement that.

  12. it's a great issue guys.
    shortly, different student, different ability, and of course we have to give different treatment.
    that what we call 'fair'.

  13. your issue is great =)
    you know guys, we are so lucky to know MI and BT.
    As teacher candidate, its really helpful, we know how to make learning process be fun and get the material.
