
Sunday, October 9, 2011

3’rd Reflection

Models of Instruction
Written by Nurul Hidayah


     Last week we have learned about models of instruction. Before we start to learn about that, Miss Mima did review about teaching and assessment. She asked “What is the relation between teaching and assessment?” Actually, I wanted raise hand to answered that question but difficult for did it. I didn’t now why, maybe I got bad mood before start class. So, I just silent.

       Suddenly, Miss Mima asked me “What the meaning of fun learning?” However, Miss Mima forgot my name. I feel so sad Crying face actually why she forgot about my name. hahaha. Doesn’t matter, finally Miss Mima remember my name and I enjoyed in the class. I hope Miss Mima still remember my name. hahaha.
        Now, I want to reflection about Models of Instruction. Models of Instruction consist of Direct Instruction, Lecture Discussion, Guided Discovery, and Group Interaction. Miss Mima didn’t explain it to us directly. She ask us to put in a group based on the same topic. I got the Direct Instruction Group.
        Direct Interaction similar with Teacher Centered Learning (TCL) I think. In this models, teacher is active in the class. Usually the teacher reviewing the previous day’s work, presenting new material in clear and logical steps, providing guided practice, giving feedback with correctives, providing independent practice, and reviewing to consolidate learning. The teacher give scaffolding to the students that didn’t understand or confuse. Using this models will make the students in passive roles. However, based on the paper that I read is explained that this models effective for across grade levels and content areas.
        The another models is Lectured Discussion. This models have the similarity with Direction Interaction. The similarity are the teacher do review, guide the students, and review to consolidate. However, there are still have the different thing. The different of both models is the kinds of question. In the Direct Interaction, the teacher give the question to the students and if the students can’t to answer it the teacher do scaffolding directly. In the Lectured Discussion the teacher ask additional questions to help learners integrate new and prior knowledge of the students. is different right?
       Be sides of both the models that I have explained, there are Guided Discovery and Group Interaction. In the Guided Discovery, the teacher let the students to found new something. The teacher still guided the students for the students did it. In the Group Interaction the teacher put the students in a group as we know. In the end of both models, the teacher give the clear conclusion.
       Based on the fourth models interaction, which one as the best models to teaching and learning? All of the models interaction is the best I think. We have to using the models appropriate with the subject that we will give to the students. The using variation of models interaction not only for fun learning but we have to concern about the content too. That is most important to achieve learning goals. I think as theory is easy but as action not easy Eye rolling smile.  However we can do it if we want. Thank you Miss Mima for the new knowledge that you gave to me Smile. How about you guys? Open-mouthed smile


  1. wow...
    I like it...

  2. wow panul . so simple coment. haha . thanks for your coment :D

  3. of course, theory is easy but to apply it not impossible but not easy too.. nice.. I just think your blue posting a bit dazzling.. ^^

  4. ya nop nothing impossible but not easy to do it. We have to remember what Pak Budi said that there are easy of after difficult. Thanks for your comment nop nop :D

  5. i think there is nothing the best or the worst one. each of them has their own strengths and weaknesses.

    and dayah, please look the picture that have you uploaded. is "model of instruction" and "model of interaction" same?

  6. oh godness. Thanks haryo you remind me. I was typing wrong actually. I mean that Models Instruction not Interaction. :(

  7. Dear Miss Mima and my friends that read my reflection. I have wrong for typing the word of models interaction and direct interaction. Actually that I mean of my reflection "Models Instruction and Direct Instruction".

  8. I do agree with Haryo's comment. Each of model instruction have strengthness and weakness. So,there is nothing the best one.
    Beside that, I like your reflection, make me more understand about defintion of models instruction :)
