
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Multiple Intelligence + Bloom Taxonomy= Effective Learning

The last meeting was the first meeting after mid-term test. What we learned was about differentiated instruction using Multiple Intelligence (MI) and Bloom Taxonomy (BT) Learning. I felt that class was more capable in arranging a lesson plan with a good strategy of learning. I saw from how my friends nicely made a BT and MI poster. When I saw the posters form BT groups I couldn’t suppose that some of groups would link a lesson material with activities that related with BT stages. Those were great in my point of view. However I saw some of stages of BT groups that planned an activity for LOTS or HOTS level insisted. And it made some of us be laughing because the planned activity was fun and funny. It was like Haryo’s group in which the students should figure how many the actress or actors would shut out. That was so funny. Even I think that it was less rationally, but Haryo’s group thought critically to make students thought hardly. That was so interesting.

Then I think that using MI and BT sometimes needed but sometimes not. Even we ask students to achieve creating level of BT we should consider with other students. That’s why I prematurely pick a conclusion that MI or BT need to be implemented in the lesson and learning. However, teachers should combine it with a proper model of instruction in delivering a HOTS learning. Teachers also should have strategy to avoid a prejudice to students who capable and less capable.

It will be hard task for teachers to arrange an effective and optimal learning. Then, I have my own conclusion of strategy learning. That is when we do learning, don’t see the categorization our students in levels, make our class like a homogeneous class of capability even it is heterogeneous of capability. Then, randomization students into one group should be avoided in group work. Don’t think what strategy to select them into levels but think how to make them feel selected by us through BT or MI.

Written by
Annas Bentari
(Section A)

1 comment:

  1. Great Annas :D

    If you said "make our class like a homogeneous class of capability even it is heterogeneous of capability" then how to assess them ?? :D Would you explain more?
