What do I think about education?
Honestly, it is something that changes
my mind to grow better and better every single moment in my life. I really
inspired about how the teacher can understand about his students’ personalities
and also their capabilities to do some tasks. A great teacher will have a lotta ways to know his students. One of
the ways is through the assessment which I studied last week, THE RUBRIC.
Even tough I did not come last week
in PETA class, I was understood enough about how to make a rubric. It is kinda
easy for me but it is not that easy. I have to have a deep understanding about
the criteria that I wanted to apply in my rubric.
I hope I can make it good.
I agree with your statement putra, we have to have a deep understanding about the criteria of rubric, as a good educator we have to familiar in make a rubric :)