Aware About Our Students
Written by: Nurul Hidayah

Last Monday in PETA’ class, we have watched the video about using TEMATIK method in the elementary school. I want to share about my opinion about that firstly.Learning process in the class have fun for students. The teacher has piercing voice and have well prepare. That things can we see when the teachers do discussion about lesson plan especially indicator before began class with another teachers in the teachers’ room.
However, the teacher haven’t clear assessment I think. why? because the teacher did not assess the students specifically. The teacher just assess some students with open question. The teacher have to assess a whole students and must be knowing about comprehensions’ students about the material I think.One things that I always remember after class is as a teacher not only thinking “what our will do and what materials or teaching method will our use”. However, as a teacher have to considered the learner will need to achieve the learning goals. Not only fun activity but meaningful about the materials is the most important.UBD (Understanding by Design) that there is in the PETA’ module, can help us to be aware about comprehensions’ students. There are:1. Identify the desired resultsfocus what the students need in order to achieve the learning goals.2. Determine acceptable evidencehow the teachers determine whether the students have understand or not? how to assess it ?3. Plan learning experiences and instruction
choice and determine about teaching methods, sequence of lessons and resource materials that will our teach.
So, what's your opinion about that video ? Is effective or uneffective lesson?
ReplyDelete“what our will do and what materials or teaching method will our use” that's good statement day :)
I'm wondering about "determining acceptable evidence", can you give me an example?? :D
ReplyDelete@hani : I think there are part that effective and uneffective lesson in that video. Using TEMATIK method had effective . From the opening until activities good enough. The part that ineffective when the teacher didn't clear assessment. The teacher only assess some students not a whole students. Whereas as a teacher we have to know a whole understanding of students.
ReplyDeleteexample: The teacher ask students to do activities like pretest and postest, group discussion, individual assignment, or another activities as assessment teacher to determine whether the students have achieve the desired result ? or not? . From that the teacher will know whether the students understand or not about the materials. get it met? or still wondering?
ReplyDeleteYaa, I like waching video when we learn in the class.. that's make me more understanding..