
Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Fourth Reflection

Written by Nurul hidayah

    Last week we did micro teaching in front of the class for every group. Each group show the best I think. I enjoyed in the class when another group did it. They are so creative and prepare well. Great for us :D . For me, Actually I really nervous when did micro teaching. Suddenly, I am not confidence and afraid to show up in front of the class. However, I tried to be confidence and push my self that I can did it. Finally, my group did it well I think. How do you think about my group guys ? hehe .

        The point that I got for during in the class is as a teacher we have to prepare well before learning process in the class began. We have to master the  material that we will give to the students. So, we can teaching in the class totally and hopefully we can get the goal of the learning. The most important is we have to using the models of instruction appropriate to the subject that we will give to the students.



  1. your group did great day. yeah, prepare well, and master the materials will make us more confident when teach in front of the class.

  2. your group did it great day, good job !
    you knew what that must prepare to teach? so, you can apply when you become a teacher later :D
    SUPER SEKALI <, hahaha
