
Thursday, October 6, 2011

PLAN, DO, SEE: One Full Circle

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail
We  all have plans. Sometime they are written, sometime they are only in our head. However as a teacher we must written all the plans as part of our teaching and learning process. I remember my time when i just began to teach that writing my plan (read=lesson plan) is a piece of cake. I just write everything that i want to teach and explain how i am going to teach. Just like that. As i grow to be a ‘TEACHER’ then come the ‘trouble’.
Designing lesson is not only putting all the activities that you want to do in your classroom, but also to make all the teaching and learning meaningful.  Before i design my lesson plan, i always ‘play a scenario’ in my head. “what if i open the lesson by asking question. Will the students respond it?” or “What will the best activities and assessment to know that i have reached the goals?”. As soon as i get all the answers and confident with them, then i write my plan.
The more you get to know and understand your students, the more time you put designing your plan. Why?? it because you want them to experience learning beyond the learning itself. You want them to explore, to develop their critical thinking, to ask questions. Bottom line you want them to be behavioraly, cognitively, emotionaly active and engage in learning. That is why we need to plan, apply it and see it how it works. Sometimes it did not work as we plan. Well that is okay; because it makes us learn more and challenge ourselves.

“Guru adalah murid yang paling baik.
Dia mengajar karena sangat suka belajar.
Menjadi guru berarti bersedia belajar sepenuh hati, dan
Menjadi murid selamanya” (Eka Budianta)

Mima (PETA Lecturer)

1 comment:

  1. So, we have to very flexible ya bu. Maybe it's like preparing plan a and plan b, hehhhe :D
