Last week, I learned about Multiple Intelligences
and Bloom's Taxonomy.
From the meeting last week I get the knowledge about
how to deliver learning in the classroom. When I learned
about Multiple Intelligences
and Bloom's Taxonomy,
I was reminded of my friend when Junior High School. At
that time, I had a friend who has expertise in playing drums but when in
class, he was very clever in solving math
problems. From my brief experience, I better
understand that everyone has a
lot of skills and expertise in various
fields but each has the ability and expertise
of the ebb and flow depending
on the situation that happened to him. Like me,
at a time when I Junior
High School, I was thrilled with the writing, especially writing poetry. At
that time, I often
get my motivation
from teachers and
indeed many people around me
who inspire me to write so there is some of
my writing that is posted on a
media, such as in
newspapers and tabloids bobo.
Today is different from the first, now I
do not love writing but i like to dance and
exercise, although rarely done.
From my story, I can conclude that every student in
the class have the ability and
expertise areas different.
For that, I as a
prospective teacher, should be
able to facilitate the ability of
each student in giving lessons in the classroom. In my opinion, Multiple Intelligences is one right
way to accommodate every student skills, for
that teacher must be creative
to facilitate students'
abilities in a variety of backgrounds and expertise.
On the other hand, Bloom's Taxonomy is also an appropriate facility to see the level of student understanding in receiving lessons in the classroom. In addition, Bloom's Taxonomy can also be used for different types
of students who have different levels of ability, especially
in large classes.
Great teachers are creative
teachers in facilitating students to receive lessons.
Maryatul Kibtiah ^-^
Ya marya, actually as a teacher we have to facilitate all of our student, although they have different skill and ability in learning, they have own learning styles.