
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Our Duties

                                                                                                         Novi Handayani
Last week we learn about Bloom Taxonomy and Multiple Intelligences to assess students understanding, but multiple intelligences can use for teaching learning process too. Why we have to use this approaches, because every single students is very unique, they have different way to learn. In past, when I was a student in school, my teacher just treated my friends and me with same way. Time flies, we don’t need to go to past to say “hey pa/bu you must use bloom taxonomy and multiple intelligences to teach us”, we just need to improve something that our great teacher did.
When my friend and I has to choose between use bloom taxonomy or multiple intelligences, we were confused because at first we thought it’s difficult to make activity with multiple intelligences, but in fact there are so many groups which used multiple intelligences so, we chose bloom taxonomy. When we were doing that I knew that make assessment with bloom taxonomy, that’s not easy. We must develop assessments which always increase students’ reasoning and it must appropriate with each student's ability. And that is our duty to make learning system which is fair for all students.
As we has discussed before, fair is not mean that all of students must get same way and same thing. We have to make all students reach the standard but we can’t forget if there are students who have higher capability than the standard and students who is bellow the standard, the approaches is must different. The students who have higher level can finished assessment until evaluating for example but students who bellow the standard, we should navigate to achieve the standard, then the average students can choose until what stage they can reach, the important think all of them must reach the standard. And also we can use multiple intelligences either to give assessment or activity, depends on their intelligences.


  1. Yeah.. I like your reflection nov.. And I agree that fair is not equal with same but depend on students level of thinking or it's students' proportion.
    I also get same experiences like u nov. I got confuse to make activity use MI or BT..Because some of friends have use MI, I think I must challange my self to make activity use BT..

    But, It so interesting....
    I enjoy that class..

  2. @wirman : thank you actually your reflection is interested too, I never said that your statement wrong may be I just little bit confused, less of focus
    @sofi : Hy thank you sof,
