It is so made me confuse when I thought about “assesment”.
Why? From the lesson, the important thing and very difficult to apply is rubric.
Where rubrics are determine “score, output, succes” the student learns’. Because
of that, so rubric the important point in learning process that is sensitive.
When we make a wrong for assess our students, it is implicate for many thing.
For example that have been happen in konvensional school in Indonesia. Here, so
many of teachers who assess their students just from the score of test,
submissive, dilligent to study thats are indicate they only look ability of students
in one perpective. And the effect for example in mathematics who only some
students interest in mathematics. Let say “assess students only in one
perpective could kill self estem students”. Its make Indonesia students’ are
avoid aktivita and ethics. Lets discuss this problem in Multiple Intellegences
and Bloom Taxonomy. And we got that make objective rubric is very important. It
is mean that we can not inculde our perpective and subjectivity to assess our students.
So, how to make an objective rubrics’?
In my conclusions are ;
Lets look what we want to assess. For example if
we want to assess the result of score test, do not include rubrik perspective
for students polite. We just include the important point and don not strange.
Use “Multiple Intellegences and Bloom Taxonomy”
to asses.
Control our self for not include our perspective
to the rubrics.
But, after I read some articel, news, journal and so on, I
got that in 2012. Dikti and Kemendinas will try to input “pendidikan karakter”.
Its said that “pendidikan karakter” is about subset of curiculum.
Here I want ask you to share what do you know about “pendidikan
karakter” mean? I think that “caracter” one point in our assessment I think we
talk about subjectivty side. J
Imam Choirul Rifa’i
I agree with you if many teacher only assess student in one perspective,cognitive perspective,whereas there are two aspect that less assess, that are affective and psychomotor. Then I think "character education" is not for assess but for students applying in real life because how can we assess students by they character, is it impossible to assess hundreds students in one school ? ^^