Reflection 1 (19 September 2011)
Effective Teaching, Effective Learning: Past, Present and Future
As a student, back when I was in junior or senior high school, i never really think that teacher has such great influence in our learning. I remembered that i did not like to study certain subjects because of the teacher attitude, for instance hit or throw something (chalk) to the students; or because certain subjects somehow were ‘hard’ to be understood. When i was in grade 8 of junior high school, i was rank 25 over 30 students in the classroom. It was because i got red mark for physic subject. I still remembered the topic that cause me red mark, convex and concave mirrors. I did not understand anything at all from the subject. The worst part was, the teacher did not notice about it.
As a teacher, i learn that the succesful of teaching and learning process in the classroom on how teacher plan the lesson and make the meaningful learning. The process of lesson plan making is not an individual job. We start by having level cought cordination meeting or subject taught meeting to discuss the topic that will be delivered in following week. Later on, we design our own lesson plan. It is not the end. The principal or at least our level coordinator must check over our lesson plan. Sometimes we need to make revision on our plan. Designing a lesson plan is quite a hard work. Designing a lesson plan take considerable time for me. I spent time to ‘write a scenario’ in my head, wandering what will the students might reach or respond to several activities that i have. If it is set (still on my head), then i will start to write my plan.
As a lecturer who teach teacher candidates, my responsibilities are doubled. When i was assigned to teach PETA course, the first thing that crossed my mind is how to make this course meaningful for the students. This course makes me review and reflect almost on everything that i do and did in the classroom. Why? Because each topic make me questioning of my teaching all this time. Am i teach effectively? Am i teach for understanding? Are the students experience meaningful learning instead of ‘fun’ learning? Or both?. My students are teacher candidates. They must experience meaningful teaching and learning in the classroom..., so that they will be able to deliver a meaningful teaching and learning as well when they become a teacher.
Effective teaching and effective learning involve teacher and students. Effective teacher is someone who understand the content materials, understand his/her the students, has good personality, attitude and performance. Effective teacher always plan their teaching and learning activities. He/she will reflect on his/her teaching. In result, the effective teacher will produce active, creative and motivated students...and no one ever left behind.
Mima (PETA lecturer)
ReplyDeleteowh.. Sedikit banyak saya juga mengalami hal yang sama Bu, mulai SMA kelas 2 (penjurusan) nilai mulai anjlok :)
rangking kelas jadi 25, bahkan rangking 3 dari belakang hingga akhrinya kelas 3 pun juga begitu
ketika UN hal yang harapkan hanya Lulus, dan semua itu ternyata peran guru yang mengajar saya cukup berpengaruh.
Dan saya sekarang memilih Mat di SSE karena guru Mat pada saat SMA kelas 1 memberikan ku inspirasi.
Dan beginilah sekarang.. :)
Great for Miss Mima coz not all lecture want to reflect their lessons.
thank you Iman. salah salah satu ciri guru efektif adalah mereka merefleksikan pembelajarannya
ReplyDeleteCie Ibu :)
ReplyDeletesama-sama ibu
Graet Mam.. I like " how to make this course meaningful for students"
ReplyDeleteRasanya gimana gitu denger kata itu, ada satu hal yang saya dasari dari kalimat tersebut. mungkin selama ini saya hanya berfikir bagaimana menjadi guru yang effective, tapi hal dasar itu tentu tidak bisa dilupakan, kan Mam?Thank Mam.. :)