That’s great of PETA class. Every meeting, we will get new ideas and new inspirations to learn how to teach well. This meeting teaches me about how to make a model of instruction. In the class, the lecturer has used jigsaw learning by dividing class into four groups. That’s so interested, when we have to discuss about the kinds of model instructions with our friends in group. Those are Direct-Instruction, Group-Interaction, Lecturer discussion, and Guided-Discovery model. After we understand about the model instructions, we go back to each origin group and we share our knowledge to our origin group as obvious as possible. After sharing in group, we have a guided-discussion as an activity that examines our ability in reading comprehension and also listening skill. That just needs a bit time to get more understanding of all model instructions. Jigsaw can be used to direct toward the points of a reading to share. That’s about jigsaw, and then what is model of instruction?
I reflect model of instruction as a way to provide teaching and learning’s needs. In teaching a lesson, the characteristics can be about teaching concept or comprehension. For example, when teachers teach about concept of mathematics, they can combine some model of instructions like lecturer discussion and guided-discovery. That depends on the material and the class condition. I realize that model of instruction is a way to make conventional teaching become a needed style. It means that sometimes, conventional teaching like direct-instruction can be used such as in teaching basic concept.
From those kinds of model instruction, I think that guided-discovery will be effective when it’s combined by group interaction. They have a couple of effectiveness in delivering and teaching a lesson. In guided discovery, there is scaffolding students in which teacher construct the concept of understanding, group interaction can be a way to make the students to find and learn a discovery. Those are so related and effective instruction.
In the last quarter of time, micro teaching is a good technique to implement model of instruction in real teaching. It’s seen that using model of instruction in the class is not as easy as the theory. It needs a good preparation and time management.
In short, model of instruction will effective if teachers as a facilitator and instructor of teaching and learning process can deliver the instruction as well. Also, teachers can combine the model of instruction in a good way.
Annas Bentari
2010110047 (Section A)
Mathematics Teacher Candidate
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