
Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Second Reflection

In the second meeting with Ms. Mima On Monday, September 26th I watched video about teaching and learning process in elementary school. The topic it was about Thematic. What is thematic? Thematic is a lesson which is just having in the small grade, like first grade, second grade and third grade. In Thematic the teacher combine the lesson with other lesson. When I watched the movie it is about Mathematics and Social Sciences. The teacher explains about Rambutan.
In the first meeting we discussed about the effective teacher has a characteristics such as have lesson plan before teaching. In my opinion, the teacher who teach in the first grade have a lesson plan, that can saw when she was teaching in front of class, she explain about learning objective and has clearly instructions. However, less activities for student. It makes the student look like passive. How do if you were the teacher at that time??
Last Monday we learned about make lesson plan, there is has structure to make a good lesson plan. But lesson plan one person with other person will not alike. Because of when teaching and learning the teacher has different teaching style. I hope in the future I will make a good lesson plan and I hope that will be implemented in the real situation.

-Arsyiyatul Alawiyah-


  1. yeah, every teacher has their own style to teach. it means that one lesson plan could be different when implemented by different people.

  2. good reflection dear :)
    I agree with Haryo's comment, actually lesson plan is someone's style to teach in the class (beside we must make lesson plan on related the school). So, depend on each person .
    Maybe you can make a Riweh's lesson plan,, hhe :D
    I hope you can make a good lesson plan and can impelement in the real situation :)

  3. Nice reflection arsi :)
    I hope so, we will can make a good lesson plan but I think actually the lesson plan should be able to adjusted with the class condition in the fact. do not really really glued to the plan :DD

  4. agree all, every teacher has their own style, especially they have their own belief that certain methods or strategies will work well compare to others in the classroom
