
Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Third Reflection :)

             On Monday, October 3, 2011, Again and again my friends and I learned a very interesting lesson, it is Peta. That day, I learned about models of instruction. It is a strategy to teach students in a classroom, such as Guided Discovery, Direct Instruction, Group Instruction, and Lecture Discussion. For this meeting, Mrs. Mima made a small group consist of 4 or 5 persons. My group is Novi, Ulpan, Dyah, and I, after that Mrs. Mima asked each of people in a group as master of one models of interaction.  Further, Mrs. Mima asked each of us who have one models of interaction must gather with someone who have same of models of interaction and discuss it. After that, I must back of first group and discussed each others with different models of interaction. It was interesting, I think!!! J
          I really enjoy this meeting, because with the way teach of Mrs. Mima gave me a chance to share my opinions about my material (Guided Discovery) for my group. After shared each other in the groups, Mrs. Mima asked us to discuss with the other groups. Sometimes there are different opinions about models of interaction, but Mrs. Mima always guides us and gave feedback for us. So, my friend and I got the same understanding. In that meeting, Mrs. Mima used various models of instruction; they are Group Interaction and Guided Discovery.
Based on my experiences in High School, most of teacher only used one model of instruction, it is Direct of Interaction. I did not know whether they knew models of interaction or not. Direct Instruction as same as Teacher Centered Learning (TCL), sometimes it is good models to teach, but based on their lesson. Not all of lesson used Direct Instruction, except Mathematics’ teacher needs Direct Instruction for teach. I remembered when was in 1st grade in Senior High School, I got History’s teacher. Just imagine if you got History’s teacher used Direct Instruction for teach his lesson? It was very bored, right? Unfortunately, I got teacher like that. I think as a teacher of history, he or she must use various models of instruction, such as group instruction or guided discovery. It will be helping the student to critical thinking and make them interesting in history lesson. When I was in 3rd grades in Senior High School, I had a mathematics teacher. She used various models of instruction; they are Direct Instruction and Guided Discovery. One day, she ever used Group Instruction to teach us, but at that time it was useless. It did not make my friend and I got the meaning of lesson.
From this meeting, I got a new knowledge; it is models of instruction. I hope someday I can apply various models of instruction to teach my students J J J.
After discussed models of instruction, Mrs. Mima asked us for presented our lesson plan. At that time, Haryo’s group gave a chance for presented their lesson plan. They became teachers and the others became students. After that, Mrs. Mima asked us suggest models of instruction what they used? I suggest that they used Guided Discovery, Group Interaction, and Direct Instruction.

Ewa Hanifa Hasmaningrum
Section A


  1. oh Hani, u get different problem with me.. my teacher just using direct instruction in teaching mathematics and in the class have 40 students, so make me confuse and boring when learn mathematics. I think it is not good to use that model, I think teacher mathematics can use the other model or combine between direct instruction to other model. what do you thing?

  2. mul, thanks for you comment :)
    Actually, my teacher also used Direct Instruction, but at that time, she used Guided Discovery, but it was useless.
    That's right Mul, sometimes to become a teacher should be combine two or more various models of instruction :)

  3. nice reflection.. I just think when I was in senior high school my mind was not open yet. I just think to remember and sometimes understand the material. So, I think when my teacher use guided discovery it take more time, so at that time I just prefer her/him to use direct instruction but, now it is already change..

  4. yah hani I agree with you. So bored if we learn the history subject only using Direct Instruction. I hope we can apply models of instruction to the students. Nice :D
