
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Third Reflection

            In the third meeting with Mrs.Mima in PETA lesson, I learned about models of instruction. She gave me knowledge that there are many models of instruction. However, in that day, we just discuss about four models of instruction that are Lecture Discussion, Group Interaction, Guided Discovery and Direct Instruction. Mrs.Mima divided her students into six groups, each group consist of four students. After that, she gave four different articles for each group. Every student in one group had to read the different article; she gave me ten minute to read the article. When the time finished reading the article, Mrs.Mima asked her students to gather with other student that read the same article. I have to discuss with my friend that read the article about Guided Discovery. I have to know well about the model instruction of Guided Discovery. Then, I have to come back to my group before. My friend and I have to tell about our own article to each other. This method we called jigsaw.
            I think that PETA lesson in that day was interesting. I can develop my knowledge how to be a good teacher later. I can use the various methods to teach and I can combine many methods in classroom. I think if I use the various methods, my students will be happy and not sleepy. As a teacher candidate, I hope I can make my students (later) know about the concept of the lesson. Not only about theory and the answer but also the process is more important.
            In that day, my classmate also practiced to teach. When we teach, we have to use at least two of models instruction. We teach in a group, one group consists of four students. When one group teaches, the other groups have to listen and become the students for the group that practiced to teach. Mrs.Mima also asked her students to think what are the models of instruction that used by the other group when they are perform. We also tried to become an objective teacher in that day. My group has to assess the performance of the other group. I think it will be easy but actually it too hard. I hope that my group can perform well tomorrow and I can be an objective teacher later.

Good luck for all of us. J

Woro Retno Kris Sejati


  1. Yah woro I agree that Process is important. Using various method is good for make a studenst not bored or sleppy. However, we have to concern the method that we use must be appropriete with the subject that will we give to the students. Using various of method not only for make the students fun in the class but understanding about the content is most important actually. We are the next generation of teacher must be creative teacher :D. great reflection woro :D

  2. thank you Dayah,

    yes we have to be creative and we must be able to manage our limited time when we use various method.

  3. ya woro, PETA class is very interesting, the theory was apply by the lecturer, so we can see directly. using various model of instructions for make the material more interesting.
    good luck for tomorrow :)

  4. Ya Woro, I agree that process is important because through the process we can know how deep students understand math and what part students still not understand. . :D
