
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bloom Taxonomy and Multiple Intelligences

By: Dian Sulistiani
Section A/2010110027
Last week, we have learned about Bloom Taxonomy and Multiple Intelligence in learning process. It is very interesting, right? Okay, in here, I want to review about them. Are you ready? Okay, I will begin.
Firstly, it is about Bloom Taxonomy. What do you think about that? In Bloom Taxonomy, we know some categories. They are knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis or evaluation, and creating. That is learning stages. Knowledge is recall data or information. In this stage, students can recall their knowledge or what are they know. We can give instruction about that with key words are defines, describes, knows, identifies, lists, remember, selects, show, collect, who, what, when, where, names, etc. Then, comprehension, the student understand the meaning, interpretation of instructions and problems. Students should state a problem in one’s own words. We can give instruction about that with key words are comprehends, compare, explains, gives examples, predicts, rewrites, discuss, etc.
Then, application, students use a concept in a new situation or apply what was learned in the classroom into situations in the work place. Students also use information, methods, concepts, and solve problems using required skills or knowledge. We can use instruction such as applies, changes, computes, constructs, demonstrates, produces, solves, classify, examine, etc. And next, analysis, students separate material or concepts into component parts so that its organizational structure may be understood. We can give instruction with key words such as analyzes, compares, identifies, illustrates, relates, selects, connect, divide, etc.
After that is synthesis, students build a structure or pattern from diverse elements. Put parts together to form a whole, with emphasis on creating a new meaning or structure. Students also evaluate their knowledge. It is some instruction that can we use, they are substitute, tells, rewrites, formulate, evaluates, describes, measure, select, test, rank, etc. Students also relate knowledge from several areas, predict conclusion, and make choices based on reasoned argument.
From this explanation, we can measure the student’s ability. We can know that based on the student solve the problem in each stage.
Secondly, it is Multiple Intelligences. Do you remember about Howard Gardner? The notion of intelligences is divided into eight parts. They are Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence, Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, Visual-Spatial Intelligence, Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence, Intrapersonal Intelligence, and Naturalist Intelligence. The teacher should pay attention student’s intelligence that may be one of students has difference of other students. We must prepare some activities that is different in each intelligence.
Okay, I think this is very great, right? We as a new generation of educators, should learn more. Don’t forget, the teacher not only teach students but also learn from students. We should know and understand about our student’s type. We must choose one of the best something for our students. Okay, Good Luck. Keep Spirit...


  1. nice reflection mba... by the way, my friend says that the kind of multiple intelligences in not 8 but 9, that is existentialist, its like Saras Dewi's intelligence about philosopher.

  2. I agree with you novi, I ever hear that and if I not wrong today the kind multiple intelligences already 9

    by the way good reflection mba. I have a guestion, with your opinion which were better between bloom taxonomy and multiple intelligences?
