the course of this week's PETA, I am happy because I can be a proper and clear
explanation of the distinction between from BU Mima about assessment As/Of/For
learning. The difference is shown once at the time the teacher and the students
do the assessment. The as and for learning Assessment made during the learning
process, while the assessment of learning was done at the end of learning.
. . I 'm a bit of a confusion when we are entering material that new which are formative and summative assessment .
Formative assessment may be as example is assessment the as and for learning ,
while assessment of learning is an example of summative assessment . Formerly ,
we talk 3 components a judgment rendered teacher to a student . This is very
interesting once that time into a material we talk in the class . Well , a
teacher should of judging the student with 3 components judgment i e cognitive
, of affective and psychomotor . Unfortunately , lot of the teachers lacks
understanding the meaning of the award was , similarly by a pupil and whose
parents . They tend to just looking at a column first in rapot of a column of
cognitive that is obviously indeed it says the value of the student 's . if
cognitive of judging the IQ students while affective of judging attitude
students or EQ . Im the world of work , a person who can be balanced in 3
components that 's who gets easily received in the work .Especially on
affectivnya components because of people having good tend affectiv can easily
collaborate with others.
that's more interesting when we look for
an explanation of the assessment tools. Each group was given 1 assessment tools
and find out everything about it. Well I am interested in the assessment tools
that are being sought by a group of dasrizal that got anecdotal record. To my
knowledge, the assessment it like we ever do it in UET courses. When I need to
go forward, then Mrs. Puti turned out to take down all that I talked about in
the future and what he saw during I do presentations. If my example was
correct? How about friends? In fact my group get the checklist. Well, I am
still a bit confused about the checklist. According to you , what the
differences between checklist and the
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